News & Events about Lennar Corp.
Lennar Co. (NYSE:LEN Get Rating) Wedbush upped their Q3 2023 earnings estimates for Lennar in a report released on Wednesday, June 14th. Wedbush analyst J. Mccanless now anticipates that the construction company will post earnings per share of $3.73 for the quarter, up from their prior estimate of $...
Lennar (NYSE:LEN Get Rating) had its price objective lifted by analysts at JMP Securities from $115.00 to $135.00 in a research report issued to clients and investors on Friday, The Fly reports. JMP Securities price target suggests a potential upside of 12.48% from the companys current price. LEN ...
Lennar (NYSE:LEN Get Rating) had its price target raised by Keefe, Bruyette Woods from $130.00 to $145.00 in a research note issued on Friday, The Fly reports. Keefe, Bruyette Woods price target points to a potential upside of 20.81% from the stocks previous close. ...